I give myself permission to feel the way I feel.
I allow myself to be heard.
I am not responsible for the feelings of others.
The only person I need validation from is myself.
I am not a bad person for saying no.
My self-worth is not based on the opinions of others.
It is ok for me to put myself first.
I allow myself to face my uncomfortable feelings which makes me more self-compassionate.
My emotions are real and are self-created.
I am strong and resilient.
I refuse to feel guilty for taking time to focus on myself.
I am creating healthy boundaries to protect my peace.
I am gifted with a kind heart and a sensitive soul.
I deserve love, empathy, and kindness.
I allow myself to give.
I treat myself with kindness and understanding.
I forgive myself for not feeling well sometimes.
I allow myself to be nice and show self-compassion to myself.