Here is a list of ways that you can care for yourself; ways that you can show love, kindness caring to yourself.
Get a massage
Borrow or get a pet
Volunteer - there are many virtual opportunities
Declutter and clean your closets
Remove all dishes and clean cupboards
Weed through clothes - donate, keep and save for further consideration
Take a daily walk in nature
Sleep in a little
Go to bed early
Watch a new movie
Watch a Ted Talks video on a new subject
Eat a little less
Play music on your patio
Cook a new dish
YouTube is entertaining
Massage lotion into every inch of your skin
Give yourself a facial
Call people, you have not spoken to in a while
Plant a tree or flowers in your yard or pots for the patio
Learn a new game - Suduko, card games - Hearts, Solitaire
Write a letter to someone and mail it
Get out a coloring book or blank paper - paint, draw, create
Learn to meditate
Learn more about being mindful
#selfcare #youarerockingthis #thisisyourlife #bekindtoyourself #bekind #mindfulway @mindfulwaycoaching