Here is a list of truths you can expect if you practice mindful meditation at least 4 minutes per day, five days per week:

You will feel good.
Your energy will be renewed.
You will become more aware.
You will be able to pay more attention to details.
You will be more grateful.
You will discern what is truly important for you.
You will begin to eliminate brain fog.
You will create time for yourself.
You will begin to have a more positive frame of mind.
You will find yourself breathing a little differently, more through the tummy.
You will enjoy this "me time" so much that you continue the practice.
Honestly, all it takes is 2 to 4 minutes per day.
Start out slowly.
Find a comfortable place to sit and be quiet.
Close your eyes.
Begin breathing slowly and steadily. Nice inhale; deep exhale.
When your mind wanders, come back to your breath.
This is what you practice over and over. Come and experience bliss. This is the truth.
Meditate with Chantal - class registration here.