Hello Mindful Seeker
Thank you for being here and holding space. Let us prepare to end this year with soft ease. You can do this now by closing your eyes, resting awareness on your breath, then letting your breath move in and out. Feel your chest rise and fall. Let the words "thank you" move through your mind. In hale and exhale - thank you.
What a year!
I take a long, deep breath as I reflect on the last 11 months and then slowly exhale. I give deep heartfelt thanks for an incredible year and hope you can do the same. Many joys and challenges have helped bring me to a softer place of intimate knowledge and a deeper connection to myself. My friendships have deepened, and I feel solid in my personal life. I have more desire to be my best, nurture my passions, and embrace silence. One special gift was learning not to resist but rather flow with ease and grace. This means I let myself cry, shout, be, relax, think, release and embrace the uncomfortable. We have come to believe we should not tolerate emotional discomfort. Any situation that could trigger uncomfortable feelings is now viewed as overwhelming, unnatural, and needing fixing. Since many of us have been taught it is not ok to be uncomfortable, there is a lot of resentment, unease, anxiety, and fear because we don't know how to deal with emotional issues. By practicing mindfulness, we reflect on these uncomfortable emotions and feelings, figure out where they stem from, and work to find peace. Being in this state of flowing is very brave and freeing. You create space in your life for more of the things you desire now, at this time.
This year was spent practicing what I teach and pondering how to take mindfulness meditation to another level. In 2023 you will have access to these class offerings:
Beginner Mindful Meditation + Movement - Cultivate your meditation practice
Ho'oponopono meditation - Learn to forgive yourself and others, release and let it go
Cell-Level meditation - Bring into being your hole health + wellness, your natural states of being
In these classes we meet four times, once each week, to bring more balance and connection to ourselves and others. Each of these classes carries a different theme and outcome. They are all well-thought-out and allow time for practice, questions, and reflection. These are not "do once, and be done" but rather, an opportunity for you to delve deep connecting to the higher self so natural healing can occur.
Sign up to receive class offerings if you haven't already. While you are signing up, consider a MIndful Membership. This is an opportunity to take any virtual class for free! There is a journal that accompanies some special classes, which is an extra charge. Members recieve free virtual classes, recordings, special meditations, and coaching discounts ... go ahead and check it out.
Inspiring quotes
"The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about your circumstances." ~ Andrew Bernstein
"In Meditation, if I resist a feeling rising within me, I become extremely unsettled. It soon subsides if I embrace the feeling, accepting and allowing it to be, and I then experience deep peace." ~ Chantal Doriott
Meditate with Chantal
How can you ease stress, deal with the wandering mind and negative thoughts, and move into healing and wholeness?
Welcome, December! It is a beautiful time to reflect and allow all you feel. Let yourself flow into the end of this year. For in this present moment resides peace, love, and joy. May you feel these gifts with bounty. ~ Chantal Doriott, MMT