Hello Mindful Seeker,
Thank you for connecting. I am excited to share with you as we enter a new month and season.
My focus this month
Balance - to ensure all the parts of your life are in sync, creating a natural rhythm or flow to everyday happenings.
The word balance is very personal to me. I have been spending a lot of time sitting with balance, letting it rise within me, settling in familiar and unfamiliar places, and exploding in various ways. The beautiful ways I incorporate balance into my life are giving me renewed energy, more time to observe and be curious, and a pure sense of renewal. I am honoring my body and these challenging times with more life balance.
Self-care: I know that it reverberates to those around me when I take care of myself. I have scheduled a facial, a special movement class, and a massage this month.
Connection: I know when I connect with those I love, this love reverberates out to others around me. I scheduled lunch with an old colleague and have two grandkid playdates arranged.
Gratitude: I have incorporated saying a simple prayer of thanks at mealtime. This practice makes me more aware, and I am also eating more mindfully.
Presence: I am learning to stop asking WHY? When I don't have to worry about when, why, and how, I live peacefully in the now moment. This gives presence a whole meaning for me.
How can you add more balance to your life?
What I am reading

This book was unexpected as it simply appeared on my "you might be interested" thrift-book list. I love this book - it's poetry that touches my heart whenever I pick it up and read a passage.
The Unwinding and Other Dreamings
"If I said that my love for you
was like the spaces between the notes of a wren's song,
would you understand?
Would you perceive my love to be,
therefore, hardly present, almost nothing?"
I read this and have made it a nightly journaling exercise. You can, too: What do you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch in the spaces between words, songs, and readings?
Kindness rules
If everyone practiced the Golden Rule do unto others as you would have done unto you, the world would be better. Make this your weekly goal - be kind whenever you can.
Virtual Mindfulness + Meditation
Join us as we sit, kneel, recline and meditate into a new season. (We do this in our own homes because the meditations I lead are virtual!)
Morning meditation - rise and shine with intention, presence, and love
A good night's rest - enter into a deep slumber with these meditations
The gift of presence - You are here, now
Meditation Q + A - ask all the questions, get all the answer practice meditating
Love is all there is - a FREE meditation to remind you of your connection to all.
Mindful Eating - an 8-week course beginning later this fall
"As I breathe in, I am in this moment. All fear of the future dissolves. As I breathe out, I am in this moment. All regrets from the past dissolve. This moment is all there is."