Hello Mindful Seeker,
Thank you for connecting and holding space here. November is a month we think of gratitude, giving thanks, and being ready to show appreciation. It is a time of year that American holidays begin to keep us busy with family, good meals, and joy. Keep reading for an abundance of inspiration this month.
When I hear the word grace, I immediately think of flow, peaceful movement, and allowing. To me, grace is the space I reside in when I am true to myself; it's the space of allowing and also forgiving. I have learned to accept all that is now. There is so much space in this place of grace. Let me explain a little more:
When I am in the flow, I allow the good, the not-so-good, and all of life to gently "wash" over and around me. It is the place I move to when I am rooted and grounded in meditation. There is so much to sense in this space of stillness where everything serves a purpose, even though I don't always understand it. I know I am in flow when I can accept all that is as it is now. I exist in a glorious state of grace.
I experience peaceful movement when I walk mindfully through the woods or practice mindful walking. I also experience peaceful movement in a mat pilates or yoga class. Sometimes I play music in my room and dance with peace and flow - merging all aspects of myself into this rhythmic movement; peaceful movements make me smile, inward and outward. I give myself grace in this moment to be myself without judgment.
Allowing is another gift that carries throughout my day as I allow myself periods of silence, curiosity, and observation. I allow my thoughts to chatter, and I listen and observe. There is a place where allowing grace to be, brings clarity to my mind, I don't judge myself, and everything feels abundant. Here is where that spaciousness comes in - when I am grateful and allowing.
I flow with ease and grace. I practice being in this state through my meditation. I am grateful for the opportunity of knowing my truth. I am at peace.
A Thankful Toast
At every meal, give thanks out loud or in your head. Consider the food before you and the love and energy that went into growing and preparing the dish. Consider how it will taste before your first mindful bite, how nourishing it will be, and a savory delight to be sustained in this way. Postpone the physical pleasure of eating for a moment longer, revel in anticipation of what is to come, savor the intention to eat, and make every meal an occasion for celebration.
Mindfulness + Meditation
Join us as we sit, kneel, and recline during meditation to ease stress and worry allowing us to move into a state of flow and grace.
Morning meditation - rise and shine with intention, presence, and love
A good night's rest - enter into a deep slumber with these meditations
Mindful Eating - an 8-week course that begins October 3
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Sign up for 21 Days of Mindfulness
Kindness is contagious
When we see, feel, or hear about an act of kindness, it inspires us to be kind. The actions creating kindness create ripples of goodness that reach out to others. This causes another ripple in that the person receiving wants someone else to feel the way they do, so they act in kind. So, if you are wondering if kindness is contagious - of course it is! Let this be the moment you inspire acts of kindness.
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